MiniPaint is a great 320 and 640 mode paint program for the IIGS written by teenage graphics phenom Matt Reimer. MiniPaint offers special features like scroll bars, movable windows and tremendous flexibility and speed. The name MiniPaint comes from the program╒s size, not from its feature list! At less than 85K, MiniPaint gets up and running in a hurry.
by Bryan Pietrzak
The other day Jay, half jokingly, said, ╥It sure would be nice if the menu bar wasn╒t visible in Finder, so I could move icons and stuff up there!╙ So, Bryan thought about it and realized that it would be an incredibly simple thing to do. So he wrote BarNone.
Fix Font Manager
by Greg Templeman
In System 6.0.1, a nasty bug seems to have cropped up in the ╥Choose Font╙ Dialog, one that users of Pointless are particularly susceptible to; if the current font does not exist on your system, or you select a font in the Choose Font dialog that has no bitmaps, the computer will lock up, crash, or just plain behave weirdly. FixFontMgr601 fixes this problem.
PSGS Envelope and Letterhead Art
by Ted Nicholas
Softdisk is proud to present more of Ted╒s artwork. This month he has created several graphics for use in the Greeting Cards module of Print Shop¿ IIGS. Alternatively, you can change them up in the Full Panel Editor of Print Shop¿ IIGS or Print Shop Companion IIGS. Load ╒em and use ╒em. They╒re great!
Clip Art: Mammoth Poster
by Ted Nicholas
Another of Ted╒s wild and woolly clip art pages. You╒ll love this one as you prepare for winter╒s approach!
Spencer╒s Corner
by Spencer van Gulick
This month we╒re supplying you with three of our favorite Spencer Christmas files. Included in the line-up are Candlelight, Poinsettias and Stargazer. Candlelight is a clip art page and the other two are page-layout files for AppleWorks GS. Spencer and Softdisk certainly hope you enjoy using these for a joyous Christmas season.
More Icons
by Bryan Pietrzak
One of the neat things Apple added to System 6.0.1 was the ability to enhance the small icons used throughout the system. For example, when you use a ╥standard file╙ open or save dialog there is a list of files with small icons to the left of each file. Unfortunately, these small icons are usually boring ╥generic╙ document icons. Not so once More Icons is installed!
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